Pets Who Instantly Fell in Love with Their New Siblings
7.A Big Difference
Though many conversations and arguments have centred on the age-old difference between cat people and dog people, occasionally life finds a way to unite these opposing forces in the most unusual manner. This particular narrative revolves on a comfortable cat and its quiet apartment's introverted owner, whose serene life was abruptly changed by the arrival of a new dynamic - a partnership with an energetic dog person. The expressions of their different dogs clearly show the gap between these two worlds. True to its naturally gregarious nature, the dog shows wild excitement about the new living arrangement; its tail is always wagging and its face is beaming with delight at the idea of a new kitty sister. But with its wonderfully expressive face, the cat presents a whole different narrative. Its face wonderfully depicts the core of reluctant acceptance, obviously yearning for the quiet days of seclusion in their prior flat. This mixed family is both difficult and interesting to watch because of the way the dog's great enthusiasm contrasts with the cat's clear contempt presents a wonderful depiction of their owners' different personalities.