Hidden Treasures in Your Attic: Everyday Items Worth a Fortune!
2. Etch-A-Sketch - Estimated Value $1,500
Children expressed their innovation with pencils and paper before the 1960s. But the Etch-A-Sketch changed drawing into a more dynamic process. Turning two dials let children build complex designs; with a simple shake, they could undo their artwork and begin again. Children soon learned to love the Etch-A-Sketch because it provided countless creative options free from the mess of conventional sketching instruments. Though it wasn't first thought of as a valuable object, over time the nostalgia and originality of the antique Etch-A-Sketch have substantially raised its value. Collectors nowadays are ready to pay about $1,500 for a 1960s well-preserved model. It could be time to bring out and sell one you have tucked away! This toy is a beloved item of childhood history since it not only shows a leisure activity for many but also captures the innovative attitude of the period.