15 Astonishing Facts About Rambutan: #10 Will Blow Your Mind!
5. The Unexpected Medicinal Properties of Rambutan
Rambutan has long been employed in traditional medicine, beyond only its great taste and nutritional worth. A variety of diseases have been treated with several parts of the rambutan tree, including its fruit, leaves, and bark. High vitamin C concentration of the fruit makes it a great natural cure for strengthening the immune system and preventing illnesses. Rambutan leaves are sometimes prepared in traditional Southeast Asian medicine into a tea thought to help lower fever and ease headaches. Because of its antibacterial qualities, thrush and other oral infections have been treated using ramboutan tree bark. Though further research is required to validate these conclusions, some studies have even indicated that substances present in ramboutan seeds could have possible anti-diabetic properties. Furthermore, the normally thrown-away peel of the fruit has great antioxidant content that can help skincare products fight ageing. Although many of these conventional uses call for greater scientific confirmation, they show the possibilities of rambutan as more than just a mouthful of fruit. Recent studies on pharmacological possibilities of certain ramboutan extracts have started. For example, some studies have found molecules in rambutan that might help control blood sugar levels, therefore providing fresh directions for diabetes treatment. Other research have concentrated on the antioxidant qualities of the fruit, looking at how well they might stop cellular damage and lower the risk of chronic diseases. Research on the possible antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of the rambutan's seed extract has also opened doors for its use in natural preservatives and pharmaceuticals.